For over 23 years, Style Roofing has utilized their professional craftsmen and top-quality products to ensure that every client’s roof is both durable and dependable.


Transition Style Roofing in 2010 from traditional print, TV and radio advertising only, to a multitude of
digital marketing and advertising solutions.

Build a new website that was optimized for UX, UI, SEO, mobile and can easily convert visitors looking for a new roof.

Start content promotion, backlinking and Google Ad campaigns.

Quickly provide a positive ROI on paid advertising strategies.

Ensure we targeted roof replacement, not roof repair leads.


Increased organic traffic from hundreds of visitors a month to thousands.

Google and Bing campaigns quickly provided a new revenue source. As a result traditional advertising budgets were cut and the money went to digital.

Expanded marketing and advertising campaigns from just Northern VA to MD, DC, Richmond and Western VA.

While CPCs rise from competition, we’re still able to diversify our paid strategy resulting in positive ROI.