Call Tracking Software Equals Lead Generation

Call tracking software can be a valuable tool for businesses, especially when it comes to lead generation. Do I have your attention?  

Call tracking is a comprehensive reporting and call recording tool that enables businesses to capture valuable information about their incoming calls. Call Tracking captures caller identification, call time and most importantly the call source which the caller found the business’s phone number. The primary objective of call tracking is to gain a deeper understanding of the marketing activities that initiated the most calls and generate the most interest among a potential customers. These customer insights help businesses evaluate the effectiveness of different marketing strategies, optimize their marketing budget accordingly and make more informed decisions about budget allocation.

You may think consumers only want to inquire about products and services online, but you would be missing the 60% of people that still prefer the traditional way of calling a company on the phone instead of entering their personal information on an online contact form or chatting with a bot on a company’s website. Enhance your digital marketing efforts and boost sales by implementing call tracking to reach your marketing goals more effectively. Let’s look at the immediate and long term benefits you will get from implementing call tracking software on your website:

Source Identification: 

Call tracking gives your business the ability to trace the origin of an incoming call. Here’s how it works. A javascript snippet is placed on the website which will automatically allocate a specific call tracking number based on the visitor’s referral source (Google Organic, Google Paid, Instagram, Bing, etc.) Companies will then know exactly which channels are generating the most calls and make better use of their budget.

Personalization and Customization:

Call tracking software can provide details about the caller, such as their location or previous interactions with the business. Use this information to personalize interactions and tailor marketing efforts to individual customer needs and wants. 

ROI Measurement: 

The ability to measure your businesses return on investment (ROI) helps in managing your marketing budget more effectively and in turn helps you apply those dollars to the most successful campaigns. By using a call tracking system, you can see which advertising strategies improve conversion rates and send good leads to your business. In turn, you can see which ones are underperforming. 

Call tracking will reveal leads and sales down to the paid advertising keyword a user clicked before navigating to your website, which is ideal when you are running Google Ads. This lets you spend more of your budget on the keywords, strategies, and channels that convert to leads. It also limits wasting your budget on things that aren’t working. Call tracking software also captures other important data, such as UTM source, medium, and Google ClickID. You can also set op an offline call tracking number to capture calls from postcards, billboards, newspapers and other offline advertising channels.

Call Recording and Monitoring

If you are interested in further understanding your customer as well as understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your customer service, some call tracking software allows businesses to record and monitor calls. Imagine the value in understanding your customer’s behavior and preferences and being able to refine sales and marketing strategies to enhance sales. This also allows you to see when you have missed calls so you can adjust your call handling flow.

Lead Qualification/Generation:

Call tracking software can include enhanced features like call scoring, which helps businesses assess the quality of leads based on the conversation content. Prioritizing leads and focusing efforts on the most promising opportunities equals more qualified leads, and hopefully more sales. Call tracking allows you to identify the exact source of every inbound call, whether it was a website, social media platform, or offline ad campaign. 

Enhanced Customer Service:

Businesses can receive real-time analytics on call performance and improve response time and quality of service when it comes to customer inquiries and issues resulting in an advanced and improved calling experience for the customer. Also, no more unanswered calls maximizing potential sales opportunities.

Compliance and Security:

In regulated industries, call tracking software aids in maintaining compliance with legal requirements for call recording. These industries often have specific guidelines and laws regarding the collection, storage, and handling of customer information, especially in communication records. Call tracking software ensures that businesses meet these requirements by offering secure and compliant call recording functionalities.

Optimized Advertising Spend:

As we’ve learned, call tracking software allocates unique call tracking phone numbers to different marketing sources. This attribution method identifies the sources that drive inbound calls. By knowing which channels produce the most valuable leads, businesses can allocate their advertising budgets more efficiently.

Understanding the correlation between advertising efforts and call conversions allows businesses to measure their ROI accurately. When analyzing call tracking data, companies can assess which marketing campaigns or channels yield the highest conversion rates and adjust their advertising budget allocation accordingly. This data-driven approach enables them to invest more in high-performing strategies while reconsidering or refining underperforming ones.

For businesses running pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, especially on platforms like Google Ads, call tracking provides insights down to the specific keywords that trigger phone calls. This information is instrumental in optimizing bids and allocating budget towards keywords that generate the most valuable leads. It helps in reducing spending on keywords that don’t acquire conversions, thereby maximizing the efficiency of the advertising budget. If you business gets leads through phonen calls, this is paramount to determine your cost per conversion.

Call tracking analytics offer real-time and historical data on call volumes, conversion rates, and customer behavior. The result: your business can adapt and refine their marketing strategies promptly. By identifying trends and patterns in call data, companies can make adjustments to their advertising efforts, ensuring that their budget is consistently directed towards the most effective marketing channels and campaigns.

Call tracking insights enable your businesses to make more informed decisions about where to allocate their advertising budgets, prioritize those high-performing channels, campaigns, or regions that consistently generate quality leads and conversions. 

Multi-Channel Marketing Integration:

Like most businesses, you are most likely using multiple marketing channels. Call tracking helps get a large-scale view of the customer journey. Your business learns how online and offline channels work together to drive leads and conversions. It involves the seamless integration and analysis of data from various marketing channels, such as digital ads, social media, email campaigns, print media, and more.

Adapting Marketing Strategies:

Information is power here.  Data collected through call tracking empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions. Understand, adapt, and refine your marketing strategies based on the insights you gain from call tracking analytics and watch your business grow.

What are the Costs Involved in Call Tracking?

The cost of call tracking software can vary depending on the features offered, the scale of usage, and the call tracking provider’s pricing model. Here’s a breakdown of some key factors that can influence the cost of call tracking software:

Features and Functionality:

Call tracking with basic features, like call attribution and source tracking may be less expensive than software with advanced features such as call recording, call scoring, and real-time analytics.

Quantity of Phone Number:

Most providers charge based on the number of phone numbers that are being tracked. The more phone numbers you need for tracking different marketing channels or campaigns, the higher your cost may be. 

Usage Volume:

Tiered pricing among call tracking software providers often leads to increased costs for higher call volumes or extensive usage.

Additional Features:

Some providers offer additional features such as dynamic number insertion, integration with CRM systems, and custom reporting. These features may come with an additional cost.

Subscription Model vs. Pay-Per-Use:

Some call tracking services operate on a subscription model, where you pay a fixed monthly or annual fee. Others may charge on a pay-per-use basis, where you are billed based on the number of calls or minutes used.

Integration Requirements:

 If you need the call tracking software to integrate with other tools, such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems or marketing automation platforms, there may be additional costs associated with those integrations.

Support and Training:

The level of customer support and training provided by the call tracking software vendor can also affect the overall cost. Some vendors offer premium support and training services for an additional fee.

Contract Terms:

Pricing typically begins at $45 per month and includes 5 local phone numbers and 250 minutes. Every account includes session-level tracking, call recording, our top integrations, and unlimited clients & users. The length of the contract or subscription term can impact pricing. Some providers offer discounts for annual commitments. 

In Summary:

Call tracking is a powerful tool vital for businesses focused on lead generation, providing deep insights and optimization opportunities to significantly enhance marketing and sales strategies. By capturing caller information, identifying lead sources, and offering features like call recording, call scoring, and real-time analytics, call tracking enables businesses to optimize advertising budgets, refine marketing strategies, and prioritize high-quality leads. It also facilitates enhanced customer service, compliance with legal requirements, and multi-channel marketing integration. In summary, call tracking software is a powerful tool for businesses engaged in lead generation, offering insights, analytics, and optimization opportunities that can significantly enhance marketing and sales efforts.

Ready To Get Started with Call Tracking?

Are you ready to implement call tracking into your digital marketing strategy and see just how it can impact your business? Or maybe you have more questions that you need answered first to understand how it all works for your business. Wherever you are on your digital marketing research, we are here to help.

We can answer your questions about call tracking with knowledge learned through firsthand experience. Contact us today to get in touch with an call tracking expert and find out how we can partner with you to expand your business.

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Michael Delpierre
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