Google Completes Switch To Mobile-First Search Indexing

As reported by Search Engine Journal, Google just announced that it is now prioritizing mobile-first indexing over desktop indexing. Google first rolled out mobile-first search indexing back in November 2016. Mobile searches overtook desktop back in 2015. Currently mobile searches account for over 65% of all search volume.

With Google now prioritizing mobile-first indexing, it will reduce desktop crawling to conserve resources. Google states ”Google predominantly uses the mobile version of a site’s content, crawled with the smartphone agent, for indexing and ranking. This is called mobile-first indexing. While it’s not required to have a mobile version of your pages to have your content included in Google’s Search results, it is very strongly recommended.” 

The takeaway here is that websites need to be mobile-friendly. Mobile is increasing in search volume while desktop is declining. If your website isnt mobile-friendly, now is a good time to consider updating it to align with growing mobile search volume so your users can have a stellar experience.

Michael Delpierre