Why Social Media Marketing Is So Effective For Home Builders

There is a reason more companies are using social media to market their products and services: it works. 

Social media marketing is typically seen as something reserved for ecommerce websites, product-focused companies, or brands with global followings – not custom home builders who may serve a small, local client base.

However, there are several home builders nowadays utilizing social media with great success. For those that aren’t taking advantage of this tool, you’re leaving money on the table. 

Let’s explore how home builder social media marketing can work for you. If you’d like to speak with one of our social media experts, we strongly encourage you to contact us to learn more. We’re here to help you.

The strategies we’ll outline in this blog have been implemented for local, regional and national home builders, generating positive ROI across multiple geographic regions. Our goal is to inform you of these valuable strategies, while also providing a client case study so you can determine if these actions are right for your business. 

These social media strategies should act as a guide, empowering you to focus on the ones that produce results, while also saving you significant time and money.

Why Social Media Marketing Is So Effective

Social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube allow brands and businesses to engage directly with consumers and potential leads in a new way. 

Unlike traditional advertisements, social media is a more natural form of communication between your business and consumers. Relatable content is the key to engaging with consumers on social media.

Social media for custom home builders can be very effective for these same reasons. By giving you the opportunity to openly engage with those who may have questions about your homes, you are increasing the likelihood that they will choose you as their partner to build a new home.

One of our clients, a national home builder, saw an average CPC (cost per click) of $5.38 for Google Ads, whereas their Facebook CPC was just $0.95. For home builders with smaller budgets, this 255% decrease in CPC can make a huge difference.

For this home builder, their top traffic source is paid Facebook advertising. The traffic from

Facebook is converting (in this case filling out a contact form) more than Google Ads with Facebook accounts for 16% of overall conversions and Google only 3%. This is with a Google Ads spend that almost doubles that of Facebook’s, demonstrating how large of a bang you can get from your budget with Facebook Ads.

Here are four helpful home builder tips to make your social media marketing plans more effective:

1. Share Photos And Videos Of Your Homes

One of the best ways to engage with potential customers who may be looking to have a home built for them is to share photos and videos of your projects on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram. This allows them to get a “behind the scenes” view of your work and see for themselves what your company can do.

How you use these different social networks to share photos may depend on the network. Pinterest is ideal for collecting photos or videos of homes in all stages of construction since you can organize them into multiple “boards” —for example, you could create a board for each home or project, or have boards for homes that have been completed, are in the planning stage, and so on.

On the other hand, Facebook may be best for one-off photos and videos, and Instagram may follow the same pattern. Experiment and see what your followers and fans respond best to, and what gets the most likes, shares, and engagement.

2. Ask Questions

Social media is an avenue to humanize your brand and show consumers your people, your passion, and your pride. Show your followers the people behind your business with employee features or include employees in photos. One of the best ways you could accomplish this is to use social media to ask questions.

Asking questions can be a great way to get some engagement with your fans.  Asking open ended questions can work, but if you can provide your fans with options, your engagement will increase even more.

Consider posting questions on Facebook, instagram, and Twitter like:

  • What is stopping you from buying a new home?
  • What questions do you have about the construction process?
  • What do you consider a must-have in a custom-built home?
  • Where did you hear about us?
  • Have you heard anything negative about custom built homes?
  • What would your dream home look like?

The answers to these questions could be very revealing. They could also create some amazing opportunities for discussions with potential leads. 

Elicit a response to your post, and you’ll connect to customers and stick in their memories. There are a lot of ways to use this idea – from surveys and quizzes, to asking for opinions on a home-building topic, and much more. 

3. Host Giveaways Or Special Events

One fun thing that you can do with social media involves giveaways. 

No, we are not recommending that you give away a new house for free. It could make things interesting, though.

Your customers have given a lot to your business, and a fantastic way to encourage engagement online is to find opportunities to give back. A simple way to do this is through social media giveaways or contests. 

While contests or sweepstakes typically involve a more thorough entry process from customers, social media giveaways are often smaller-scale offerings used to boost social engagement by requesting users like, comment, or share a post in exchange for entry. 

Depending on your budget for the contest, a social media giveaway is often an easy route to reward your followers at a low cost while also growing your following online.

4. Curate Content

Finally, those who have joined you on your social media pages are likely interested not only in home ownership, but also in home maintenance, some degree of interior decorating, and other relevant home topics, correct? 

The Rule of Thirds dictates that you should balance out your social media content like this…

  • ⅓ of your social media posts should promote your business via your own original content, driving conversions and profits
  • Another ⅓ of your social media content should curate ideas, stories and resources from thought leaders in your industry
  • The last ⅓ should be personal interactions, conversations and relationship building

By sharing relevant content with them, you can increase their appreciation of you, and show that you are interested in building a two-way relationship with them—not just getting them to buy something.

For example, you might post an article about interior design trends, or perhaps share a link to a blog post about maintenance tips for driveways—anything your target audience of homeowners would find useful.

It’s up to you which framework you use, but the bottom line is that by varying the content you share and making sure it’s helpful, your audience sees it’s not all about you. Content curation shows that you’re a reliable source of information, boosting your businesses own credibility.

Contact Us!

We know how overwhelming this all may be. That’s why we want you to know we’re in your corner.

Conversion Pipeline has helped Home Builders implement successful online marketing campaigns that attract qualified home buyers. If you’re interested in finding out more about how we can help you sell more homes, we would love to discuss your goals.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can work with your team to create an effective social media marketing strategy!

By: LOGAN ROBINS – Digital Marketing Manager @ Conversion Pipeline