Page Ranking Google

Google Wants You To Know This

Although knowledge of SEO terminology is getting more widespread, there is still often confusion over common terms. For instance, page ranking. Google’s PageRank is one of many tools Google utilizes to measure the importance or relevance of a web page in relation to others in organic search results.

This proprietary algorithm was developed by Sergey Brin and Larry Page, and the reference to Page in the name can be a bit confusing. PageRank is not the ranking of a webpage against all other webpages on the Internet the way that the Alexa ranking is of websites. PageRank is a more like a measurement of ‘worth’– one of the many ways that Google decides how trustworthy, relevant or important a page is.

How Google Page Ranking Is Judged

Google Page Ranking is judged by incoming links. Not just by the sheer number of links, though — the importance and relevance of the linking page matters too. This is often referred to as ‘link juice’ and a site with a higher PageRank lends more ‘juice’ when it links to others. However, the link juice is divided among the outgoing links. If there is only one outgoing link, it gets all the link juice. But if there are a dozen, the link juice that any single outgoing link gets is greatly reduced.

Reason To Factor In Page Rank

The main reason to look at PageRank is to receive links to your website from a site with a high Page Ranking. This is harder than it seems, and Google has taken many steps to curb the gaming of page ranking. Google instituted nofollow links so that people wouldn’t spam forum threads with their website address.

The only way to get link juice from high Page Ranking sites is to have a close relationship to the authority sites in your niche. At Conversion Pipeline, we can help you identify and target these authority sites to get you link juice and traffic.

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