Pinterest Marketing For Your Business

If you have been on Facebook these last couple of months, it will be no surprise to you the number of people that are signing up for Pinterest. From a growth standpoint, Pinterest is the hottest social media network, hands down. Shareaholic released a January 2012 Referral Traffic Report stating that Pinterest drives more referral traffic than YouTube, LinkedIn, and Google+ combined. That is a lot of traffic for a fairly new social media website.

What Is Pinterest

  • Pinterest users can upload, save, sort and manage images (a.k.a. Pins)
  • Pinboards are generally themed so that pins can easily be organized
  • Pinterest acts as a personalized media platform, whereby your own content, as well as anyone else’s uploaded pins, can be browsed on the main page.
  • Users save their favorite pins to one of their own boards using the “Pin It” button.
  • Most popular categories: Food & drink, DIY, crafts, and women’s apparel.

Pinterest Marketing Example

Wikipedia had a great example of how companies are using Pinterest to raise their online visibility. Fashion e-commerce website Boticca uses Pinterest as a retail storefront for driving customers to their website. Users inbound from Pinterest spent $180 compared with $85 spent from users coming from Facebook. For Boticca, they found out that online users spent less time on the company’s website, but rather chose instead to browse from the company’s pinboard on Pinterest. Many brands and small businesses are using Pinterest as a way to get their products out to an entirely new demographic.

Who Benefits From Pinterest Marketing?

Pinterest is generating a lot of traffic for websites but who benefits the most from Pinterest? Business to consumer (B2C) companies benefit more from Pinterest than business to business (B2B) simply because of the visual appeal of Pinterest. If you own or work at a brick-and-mortar store or an e-commerce company, listen up! Pinterest is for you! If you are a retailer, then you should be pinning your products online for other people to see them. If you own a jewelry store, take images of your jewelry pieces and pin them online. Pinterest is all about visual appeal. If your image is visually appealing, people will “like” your image or may even “repin” your image thus giving you additional exposure on Pinterest. Pinterest also integrates with Facebook and Twitter so the user can also transfer their posts from Pinterest to other social networks thus giving your products additional exposure.

Pinterest Marketing Demographics

Mashable came out with a recent infographic that collected data from comScore and Modea about Pinterest and its unique demographic. Here are some interesting facts:

  • 28% of Pinterest users have a household income of $100,000+ or greater.
  • The average time spent on Pinterest per day is 15.8 minutes vs. 12 minutes spent on Facebook.
  • 50% of Pinterest users have children.
  • Roughly 62% are females and 32% are male.
  • Pinterest total unique visitors have increased over 2,700% since May 2011.
  • The average age of a Pinterest user falls between 24 and 44.

Take Advantage Of Pinterest Now

Business to consumer companies that have a product that can be captured through images needs to be on Pinterest. Open up a personal account on Pinterest. Take pictures of your products and post them online with a description of your product. Or if you have images on your website already, you can download Pinterest’s  Bookmarklet and pin something live directly from your website thus creating a backlink from Pinterest to your website. If you have any questions about whether or not Pinterest is right for your business then please feel free to contact the Conversion Pipeline Marketing team. Thanks and Happy Pinning!