Choosing The Right Pay Per Click Management Firm

Indicators Of A High-Quality Pay-Per-Click Marketing Firm

If you run a business in the 21st century, you’ve probably realized by now that you not only need an effective web presence — you also need effective online marketing. Pay-Per-Click (or PPC) is one of the most common and effective forms of online marketing.

And because you don’t have online marketing expertise, you want to take the very sensible step of hiring a Pay Per Click management firm. There’s just one problem — how do you know they’re good at what they do?

Luckily, there are several indicators you can use that will show you whether the company you’re considering gives your business the individualized treatment it deserves. The indicators below will give you ample opportunity to assess their methods and attitude without necessitating seeing any real-world results.

Desire To Understand Your Business Goals And Fill Your Needs

Most companies will bring their A-game when it comes to persuading you to sign a contract, but it’s really the early stages that show you whether they care about your business.

You should be asked a specific set of questions, including but not limited to the goals of your campaigns, background info on your industry, your business, and your products and services, and specifications for any specific analytics you will require. Many of these questions may have been asked during the sales process, but it should all go down on paper at this point.

The on-boarding process should make you feel taken care of and understood, as well as reassured by the professionalism of the staff. If any of these are missing, you should ask yourself whether this bodes well for their performance in the future.

Attention To Detail And Customization Of The PPC Strategy

Reports should be relevant to your business, and should give you all the information you want to know. Canned reports are a red flag, indicating that the company made no effort to address your business’s goals.

Specific PPC Practices That Are The Earmarks Of A Good PPC Consultant:

  • A good PPC company will ensure that your budget is being spent wisely, by carefully researching and selecting relevant keywords, and filtering out any keywords associated with low-quality search queries.
  • They will minimize the use of broad-match search terms which can lead to frivolous clicks.
  • They will also limit the geographical search area to ensure that clicks are targeted to actual potential customers.
  • Instead of throwing all the keywords in the account under one ad group, a conscientious and experienced PPC firm will make multiple ad groups refine the keywords within them. Tightening keywords is time-consuming, and the fact that your PPC firm does so means that they are taking the time to get you the best results possible.
  • And they will ensure ongoing split testing of ads within each ad group to consistently refine and improve the click through rate and maximize the use of your budget.

You want a search engine marketing company that creates a PPC management strategy that specifically addresses your business goal and pays attention to the metrics you are most interested in, and one that treats your budget responsibly.

If you’re looking for a PPC management agency, we’re more than happy to answer all the questions you have. We believe 100% in our process and results and we have the satisfied customers to prove it.