Conversion Pipeline is alive!

SEO agency chantillyConversion Pipeline, a strategic online marketing agency was created to help small businesses and non-profits utilize modern sales, marketing and communication strategies such as pay-per-click advertising, search engine optimization, public relations, business consulting, social media and other strategies to raise brand awareness in their respective marketplace.

With the American economy stuck in a slump and unemployment hovering around 10%, small businesses are finding it hard to keep their heads above water by solely relying on traditional means of marketing. With consumers and businesses spending less money today, small businesses and non-profits know it is crucial to fully monetize targeted sales and marketing campaigns.

Conversion Pipeline is the brainchild of sales and marketing veteran, Michael Delpierre. Mr. Delpierre has led numerous sales and marketing teams that understood the importance of raising brand awareness and driving top-line revenue. Headquartered in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area, Conversion Pipeline focuses on providing the highest return on investment (ROI) marketing and communication services to small businesses and non-profits that have been the hardest hit by the economic downturn.

Conversion Pipeline draws its name from combining sales and marketing terminologies; “sales pipeline” and “customer conversions”. For the business executive, a sales pipeline is the foundation for their existence and revenue growth. On the marketing side, a marketing manager must achieve the highest possible online and offline conversion rates as a way to increase sales team leads.

Mr. Delpierre stated, “I think it’s important to let our customers know we understand both sides of the coin, and in order to maximize returns for our customers we must understand all dynamics unique to them. We not only have to understand their business, we have to analyze, recommend and implement custom strategies that achieve high conversion rates…while generating new, quality leads for their sales pipeline”.

The non-profit sector also needs ways to increase donor dollars, especially during times when most donors are cutting back spending in fear of potential unemployment. Marketing in these hard times is paramount, and non-profits that fail to market effectively will lose their donor funds to competing foundations.

Mr. Delpierre and his team have worked with non-profits for years and have perfected strategies that yield higher returns from their marketing budget.  According to Mr. Delpierre, “non-profit marketing is something most marketing companies can do.  However, effective non-profit marketing is an art form mastered by very few, as a lot of marketers truly do not understand the mission of their foundation”. Conversion Pipeline takes great pride in helping our non-profit customers achieve their fundraising goals.

About Conversion Pipeline

Conversion Pipeline is a strategic online marketing agency focused on the small business and non-profit sectors. Conversion Pipeline offers a variety of custom-tailored marketing, communications, branding, social media, and revenue generating strategies aimed at elevating brand awareness while increasing the revenue pipeline. For more information please visit or contact the Pipeline creative team at